Sunday, May 3, 2015

Coldplay #5

The first song I ever listened to by Coldplay was Clocks. Whenever I was in the car with my Mom, she would always play it. The song came off their second album in 2002 and is fairly popular. After hearing it repeatedly, I began to really like the song. I thought the band was very talented. As I became a little more obsessed with Coldplay, I began to research them even more: looking up videos of their interviews or videos of all their music videos. I purchased all of the albums and just would replay them over again. The two I would play the most were Viva la Vida and The Scientist. These are two completely different songs. Viva l Vida is an upbeat song that no one can help but dance or smile to when it comes on. The Scientist has a slow tempo with little background music whose words can put  tear to anyone's eye. While they both have different meanings, they both do an amazing job of capturing emotions through their lyrics. This is why I like the band so much. Coldplay does such a great job of making lyrics that do not come across as cheesy but are still very emotional. That is what songs are supposed to do: explain emotions you can not explain, and Coldplay can do this with any emotion.

Clocks music video link:

"Clocks (song)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 03 May 2015.

"Coldplay - Google Search." Coldplay - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2015.                         

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