Thursday, April 23, 2015

Darius Rucker #5

Darius Rucker #5
Julia Riker 

The first song I heard by Darius Rucker was "Don't Think I Don't think About It."I was in seventh grade and I remember being in the car with my dad and hearing him on the radio. I thought the song was great. I really liked the story that went along with it and I also liked how true the music sounded. It was a very clean and pure sound with an upbeat tempo and very nice melody. This song is about a man who is re-thinking his choice to leave his lover behind. When he says "don't think I don't think about it" he wants the girl to know he thinks about his desision all the time and whether he did right or whether he did wrong. Now that I know more about Darius I would say that this song portrays him very well. This is a classic Darius song and a lot of his other songs are similar to this one. Most of his songs contain a story with a mistake that someone learns from along with a lost lover somewhere in the mix. Also a lot of his songs have a similar melody and tempo. For example the song "Whisky and You" is very similar to "Don't Think I Don't a Think About It." In my opinion I think of Darius as a glorified storyteller. Almost all of his songs including these two tell very nice stories. Most of them are sad and about ex lovers while others are about coming together and getting through the journey of life. Darius and his songs are very entertaining to listen to and "Don't Think I Dont a Think About It" is one of my favorite songs. Darius needs to just keep doing what he's doing!

"Whisky and You"

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