Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tim McGraw Post #5

Tim McGraw Post #5

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


The First Time I Heard Tim McGraw

By: Sophie Groves

The first time I heard Tim McGraw was when I was in Eighth Grade. I used to strongly dislike country music, which I now find hilarious because it is all I listen to. I remember Tim McGraw was one of the first country artists I was introduced to. I was over at my friend's house who was a huge country music fanatic, and I kept telling her how much I hated it. She played "The Last Dollar" by Tim McGraw for me on her computer because she had enough of listening to me complain, and by the end of the song I had evolved into a lover of country music.
I liked "The Last Dollar" because it sounded a little like Pop music. The tune was also very catchy: "1,2,3 like a bird I sing, 'cause you've given me the most beautiful set of wings". I found that at first a liked country songs with a memorable tune. Additionally, I would listen to upbeat pop-like country songs. Since then, I have started liking classic country artists like George Strait. I can listen to almost any country, with the exception to the very old country songs.

I believe "The Last Dollar" is an accurate representation of Tim McGraw in the earlier stages of his career. Since then, however, he has moved to a more pop-influenced music style. A good example of this would be "One of Those Nights". It sounds country but has more pop influenced in it. All of Tim McGraw's music still provides the same kind of feeling: from his old music to his new music. Every song is a feel-good song and makes you love his music even more.
I forever thank my friend for forcing me to listen to Tim McGraw because now I am a crazy country fan (who would have thought). I am going to several country concerts this summer, and am attending the Country Music Festival in Nashville, Tennessee for a weekend where I will undoubtedly have the best time of my life.

Tim McGraw- One of Those Nights

"Tim McGraw - One Of Those Nights." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>.
Tim McGraw. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>.

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