Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Black Keys: Post #2

Why The Black Keys?
By: Madeline Rose

The Black Keys happen to be one of my dad's favorite bands, so the first time I heard their music I was with him. He played the song "Little Black Submarines" from their El Camino album and I immediately fell in love. I really think the unique style of The Black Keys is what eased me into loving the rock genre of music. 

In my opinion, their style is very different since it truly is a combination of indie rock and blues rock. Their style along with Dan Auerbach's voice is what drew me in. I believe their music is very versatile and can be used in any setting. It could be used in a bar, a commercial, Starbucks, or just as background music and it still fits the scene/occasion. 

I love the way their music makes me feel. Both my dad and I agree that the music makes us strangely feel nostalgic, but in a positive, upbeat way. It's a style that makes you reminisce on memories and emotions while uplifting your mood. I appreciate the one-of-a-kind style and I think it's a good band for anyone to listen to, even if you aren't a fan of rock or indie.

Winter, Kevin. The Black Keys Concert Stage. Digital image. Diffuser.fm. N.p., n.d. Web.

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